PNet is a software for the statistical analysis of social network data using Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) and Auto-logistic Actor Attribute Models (ALAAM).
PNet, XPNet and MPNet run on Windows and are free for non-commercial use.
Required Environments
In order to run the PNet software you will need to have one of the following operating environments on your computer:
MPNet for multilevel networks
In addition to most of functions implemented under PNet, MPNet is also designed for:
ERGMs for two-mode and two-level networks
Autologistic Actor Attribute models (ALAAMs)
Pnet for one-mode networks
PNet is for the simulation and estimation of ERGMs for one-mode networks.
xpnet for bivariate analysis
PNet is for the simulation and estimation of ERGMs for two one-mode networks.
User Manuals
Find instructions for creating exponential random graph models using the PNet and MPNet software.
A Short Tutorial
Here is a short tutorial to get started with simulating and estimating ERGMs using MPNet.
Citing PNet
If you used PNet or MPNet for your research, please cite them as:
Peng Wang, Garry Robins, Philippa Pattison, Johan Koskinen (2009) PNet: program for the simulation and estimation of exponential random graph models. Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, The University of Melbourne.