A review of advanced use of SAOM

This are details for a 90 minute workshop at ASNAC 2020 with brief examples of extensions to stochastic actor-oriented model to longitudinal networks. It is assumed that you have some basic experience of using the standard selection and influence models, including running standard diagnostics. We will cover some recent extensions, such as analysis of multiplex ties, the joint evolution of one-mode and two-mode networks, influence models for continuous outcomes, and multilevel analysis using multigroup and sienaBayes. A focus will be put on data formats and some key interpretative issues in working with the output. We will draw on some example code from the RSiena webpage and a laptop with R and the packages RSiena, sna, and network is recommended for following the workshop.

The slides are available here.

R scripts, other didactic material, and literature on stochastic actor-oriented models can be found on the RSiena webpage. Comprehensive documentation is provided in the RSiena Manual.