We are going to use RSiena
to simulate a stochastic actor-oriented model as an agent-based model.
A more extensive script for simulating with RSiena
is given in NetworkSimulation.R. That script also illustrates how to simulate multiple waves, somethign that might be useful if you want to track the trajectory over time.
Model assumptions
In a time-window \(t \in [0,1)\), \(n\) actors are assumed to make changes to their behaviour and/or network. Once a decision to make a change, or to consider the opportunity to change, is made by an actor, the actor makes a decision based on the current state of the system, picking the course of action that maximises a stochastic utility function.
For each behaviour \(r \in \mathcal{R}=\{1,\ldots, R\}\), each actor has a rate of change \(\lambda_{i,r}(X(t))\), where \(X(t)\) is the current state of the system at time \(t\). The time until actor \(i \in V\) gets an opportuntiy to make a change to behavior \(r\) is exponentially distributed with rate \(\lambda_{i,r}(X(t))\). This means that we can pick the actor and behaviour that might cahnge in a number of ways. One way is to draw \(n \times R\) variables \(\langle S_{i,r} \rangle_{i \in V,r \in \mathcal{R}}\) from exponential distributions with rates \(\langle \lambda_{i,r}(X(t)) \rangle_{i \in V,r \in \mathcal{R}}\), and then pick the actor \(i\) and behaviour \(r\) that has the smallest value \(S_{i,r}\), i.e. the shortest wating time. Another way of picking actor \(i\) and behaviour \(r\), is by using the property of the exponential distribution that the probability that \(S_{i,r}\) is minimum, is \[\frac{\lambda_{i,r}}{\sum_i \sum_r \lambda_{i,r}} .\] Once the actor \(i\) and behaviour \(r\) have been chosen, and a potential change has happened, time is incremented \(t := t+S_{i,r}\).
Decision process
Given that actor \(i\) is given the opportunity to make a change to the behaviour \(r\), the actor chooses the make the change that maximises \[ U_i(r,\Delta_{i,r,k}X(t))=f_i(r,\Delta_{i,r,k}X(t))+\epsilon_{i,r,k,t} \] where
- \(\Delta_{i,r,k}X(t)\) is the state that would result from \(i\) making change \(k\) to behaviour \(r\),
- \(U_i(r,X)\) is the utility of state \(X\) to actor \(i\) with respect to behaviour \(r\)
- \(f_i(r,X)\) is the objective function of the utility of state \(X\) to actor \(i\) with respect to behaviour \(r\)
- \(\epsilon_{i,r,k,t}\) is an extreme value type one variable
Typically, for a network change, \(\Delta_{i,r,k}X(t)\) is the network that would result from \(i\) making a change to their tie to \(k\) by toggling the current state. This means that \(\Delta_{i,r,k}X(t)\) would be an adjacency matrix that is identidal to that of \(X(t)\), with the exception that you set the cell \((i,j)\) to \(1-X(t)_{i,j}\). The universe of changes to the network avaible to \(i\) is \((\Delta_{i,k}: k=1,\ldots,i-1,i+1,\ldots,n)\) as well as \(\Delta_{i,i}\) which is defined as a non-change.
A simple example of a diffusion and network model
First load the RSiena
, RSiena, and
RSiena` packages:
We will use a network of \(n=32\) actors as a starting network (but you could use any network you like)
tmp4[] <- 0 # remove missing
mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(tmp4, tmp4), dim=c(32, 32,2)),allowOnly = FALSE)# note that we want to simulate both creation and deletion of ties
Create a binary starting behaviour
mybeh.1 <- matrix(runif(2*32)<.2,32,2)+0 # remove missing
mybeh <- sienaDependent( mybeh.1, type = "behavior" ,allowOnly = TRUE)# we only want to model an absorbing state
Create the data object
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1,mybeh)
Simulate model
Decide what effects to include and set parameter values
myeffects <- getEffects( mydata )
myeffects <- setEffect( myeffects, name = "mynet1",density,initialValue = -1.4163)# set the density paramter
## effectName include fix test initialValue parm
## 1 outdegree (density) TRUE FALSE FALSE -1.4163 0
myeffects <- setEffect( myeffects,recip,initialValue = 1.1383 )# set the reciprocity paramter
## effectName include fix test initialValue parm
## 1 reciprocity TRUE FALSE FALSE 1.1383 0
myeffects <- includeEffects( myeffects, transTrip, transRecTrip )# adding two transitivity effects
## effectName include fix test initialValue parm
## 1 transitive triplets TRUE FALSE FALSE 0 0
## 2 transitive recipr. triplets TRUE FALSE FALSE 0 0
myeffects <- setEffect( myeffects, egoX,
interaction1 = "mybeh" ,initialValue = -.5 )# social selection effects
## effectName include fix test initialValue parm
## 1 mybeh ego TRUE FALSE FALSE -0.5 0
myeffects <- setEffect( myeffects, altX,
interaction1 = "mybeh" ,initialValue = .25 )# social selection effects
## effectName include fix test initialValue parm
## 1 mybeh alter TRUE FALSE FALSE 0.25 0
myeffects <- setEffect( myeffects, egoXaltX,
interaction1 = "mybeh",initialValue = .5 )# social selection homophilye
## effectName include fix test initialValue parm
## 1 mybeh ego x mybeh alter TRUE FALSE FALSE 0.5 0
myeffects <- setEffect( myeffects, avAlt, name="mybeh",
interaction1 = "mynet1", initialValue = 1.2 ) # a positive influence effect
## effectName include fix test initialValue parm
## 1 mybeh average alter TRUE FALSE FALSE 1.2 0
myeffects <- setEffect(myeffects, name = "mynet1", Rate, type="rate",
initialValue = 4.2525)
## effectName include fix test initialValue parm
## 1 basic rate parameter mynet1 TRUE FALSE FALSE 4.2525 0
myeffects <- setEffect(myeffects, name = "mybeh", Rate, type="rate",
initialValue = 3)
## effectName include fix test initialValue parm
## 1 rate mybeh period 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE 3 0
Set up the simulation settings:
sim_model <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(
projname = 'sim_model',
cond = FALSE,
useStdInits = FALSE, nsub = 0 ,
n3 = 100,# run 100 simulations
simOnly = TRUE) # by setting simOnly to TRUE RSiena won't estimate
Run simulations
sim_ans <- siena07( sim_model,#simulation settings
data = mydata,# our starting data
effects = myeffects,# the effects and paramter values we have set for model
returnDeps = TRUE,# this is to actually return the simulated networks and behaviours
batch=TRUE )
## Start phase 0
## theta: 4.25 -1.42 1.14 0.00 0.00 0.25 -0.50 0.50 3.00 0.00 1.20
## Start phase 3
Extract simulated data
Selection and influence tables
Selection and influence tables plot the part of the utility function that corresponds to the selection and influence effects. Note that these tables are the theoretical effects and not based on what is actually simulated
Read in the script from a website
Calculate the social selection table:
vname <- "mybeh"
name <- "mynet1"
levls <- 0:1
vselect <- selectionTable(sim_ans, mydata, name, vname, levls)
## Dependent network mynet1 ; actor variable mybeh .
## Parameters found are
## altX egoX egoXaltX
## 0.25 -0.50 0.50
## Check that these parameter values are correct!
## The subtracted mean value of mybeh is 0.15625 .
## ego vego valter select
## 1 0 0 0 0.05126953
## 2 0 0 1 0.22314453
## 3 1 1 0 -0.52685547
## 4 1 1 1 0.14501953
sp <- ggplot(vselect, aes(valter, select, group=ego, colour=ego))
sp +geom_point() + geom_smooth(size=1.2, span=3) +
scale_colour_hue() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=levls) +
y=paste("selection function"),
colour=paste(vname)) +
theme_grey(base_size=26, base_family="") +
theme(legend.key.width=unit(1, "cm")) +
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'
Read in the Influence script from a website
Calculate the social influence table:
name <- "mybeh"
zname <- "mynet1"
levls <- 0:1
zselect <- influenceMatrix(sim_ans, mydata,zname, name, levls)
## Network mynet1 ; dependent behavior mybeh .
## Parameters found are
## avAlt
## 1.2
## Levels of alter refer to average values of alter's behavior.
## 0 1
## 0 0.02929688 -0.1582031
## 1 -0.15820312 0.8542969
zselect <- influenceTable(sim_ans, mydata,zname, name, levls)
## Network mynet1 ; dependent behavior mybeh .
## Parameters found are
## avAlt
## 1.2
## Levels of alter refer to average values of alter's behavior.
sp <- ggplot(zselect, aes(zego, select, group=alter, colour=alter))
sp + geom_point() + geom_smooth(size=1.2, span=3) +
scale_colour_hue() +scale_x_continuous(breaks=levls) +
y=paste('evaluation function'),
title=paste('Influence effect',zname,'on',name),
colour=paste(name,'\nalter')) +
theme_grey(base_size=26, base_family="") +
theme(legend.key.width=unit(1, "cm")) +
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'
Extracting networks
The function networkExtraction
returns the network as an edge list of class “network” according to the network package (used for package sna). Unfortunately there is a bug that I can’t get around so here we do it the hard way
#attr(sim_ans$f[['Data1']]$depvars[["mynet1"]], "type")
simnets <- vector('list',100)
for (i in c(1:100)){
emptyNetwork <- network::network.initialize(32,
bipartite = NULL)
matrixNetwork <- sparseMatrixExtraction(i, sim_ans$f, sim_ans$sims,
1, 'Data1', "mynet1")
sparseMatrixNetwork <- as(matrixNetwork, "dgTMatrix")
simnets[[i]] <- network::network.edgelist(cbind(sparseMatrixNetwork@i +
1, sparseMatrixNetwork@j +1, 1), emptyNetwork)
hist(gden(simnets))# chart density of simulated networks
For simulated behaviour, extracting the simulated values is straightforward (once you know or guess the structure of the ‘sims’ object; see ‘9.1 Accessing the generated networks’ in the RSiena Manual Manual)
#attr(sim_ans$f[['Data1']]$depvars[["mybeh"]], "type")
simbeh <- matrix(NA,32,100)
for (i in c(1:100)){
simbeh[,i] <- sim_ans$sims[[i]][[1]][[2]][[1]]
# [[iteration]][[period]][[dependent variable]][[]]
hist(colMeans(simbeh))# proportion of adopters
Let’s look at the number of homophilous and heterophilour ties
mat <-[[1]])# convert edgelist to matrix
sum( mat[simbeh[,1]==1, simbeh[,1]==1] )# number 1-> 1
## [1] 60
sum( mat[simbeh[,1]==1, simbeh[,1]==0] )# number 1-> 0
## [1] 35
sum( mat[simbeh[,1]==0, simbeh[,1]==1] )# number 0-> 1
## [1] 44
sum( mat[simbeh[,1]==0, simbeh[,1]==0] )# number 0-> 0
## [1] 20
Calculate a function that calculates homophilous ties across simulations or just loop <- matrix(NA,100,4)
colnames( <- c('1=>1','1=>0','0=>1','0=>0')
for (i in c(1:100))
mat <-[[i]])# convert edgelist to matrix[i,1] <- sum( mat[simbeh[,i]==1, simbeh[,i]==1] )# number 1-> 1[i,2] <- sum( mat[simbeh[,i]==1, simbeh[,i]==0] )# number 1-> 0[i,3] <- sum( mat[simbeh[,i]==0, simbeh[,i]==1] )# number 0-> 1[i,4] <- sum( mat[simbeh[,i]==0, simbeh[,i]==0] )# number 0-> 0